amanda grey.♥

"I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of the words as they tangle with human emotions." -James Michener

"Writing is the socially acceptable form of schitzophrenia." -E.L. Doctorow

Saturday, February 27, 2010


The world's spinning faster.
Each day,
A new disaster.
Step back for a moment
And I'll hold you.
Hold you for a year,
Or maybe for an hour.
Step back my dear,
Step back from this endless chaos.

Step back, doll.
Step back
And just breathe.
Step back, doll.
Step back
And just breathe.

A new state of mind.
Step back
Press pause then rewind.
And replay
The months before.
Go back to that night,
Just me and you
In the moonlight.
With nothing else
To think about.

Step back, doll.
Step back
And just breathe.
Step back, doll.
Step back
And just breathe.

But sadly, I know
We can't move back.
There's only one place to go.
And that's here,
Right now.
So we lived and we learned.
Remembered who we were,
And all that we earned.
And then it's time
To leave.

Step back, doll.
Step back
And just breathe.
Step back, doll.
Step back
And just breathe.


  1. I think Wordsworth said that poetry is "emotion recollected in tranquility." That little cafe must've been awful tranquil, because your poem is really good!! ;-) Good job!!

  2. I still don't know about it..
    it's kinda repetitive. But i do like it.

    and no.. that cafe was LOUD.
