amanda grey.♥

"I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of the words as they tangle with human emotions." -James Michener

"Writing is the socially acceptable form of schitzophrenia." -E.L. Doctorow

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We Make A Great Team.

**written from a guys point of view. I don't really know, it kinda just came to me.

Quiet and shy
She lowers her head.
Hoping he'll choose
Someone else instead

There is no other
She cannot run
Her destiny shows
She is the one.

A blush in her cheeks
A fear in her eyes
Her innocence is
Too hard to despise.

Softspoken lips
Gently form a grin
I haven't seen her smile.
Since God knows when.

Cautious steps forward
Take one, then another.
As I take her hand.
And save the world with the other.

The End.

I am falling without a sound
Screaming so silently with no one around
And now I'm waiting.
Just waiting to hit the ground.

I wonder why this is happening to me.
I've lost all hope of what I could be.
I'm waiting for death.
Waiting for death to turn the key.

I've given up all my fears
I've wiped my eyes and dried my tears
I'm waiting to fall.
When I've already been falling for years.

And now suddenly I can see the light.
I'm done trying to put up a fight.
And now I'm not waiting.
There's nothing worth waiting -the end is in sight.

The World

Shielding my pain
Hiding my tears
What would the world do
If they knew all my fears?

I asked for this feeling
The choice was my own
I told the world not to care
So they left me alone.

My greatest fear
Has finally come true
The world traded me out.
Traded me for you.

So why even try?
Why bother, like I should?
The world left me here.
And they left me here for good.

The First Thing I Ever Wrote..

I know this poem pretty much sucks. I'm merely posting it to show how I have changed and progressed as a writer through the past year.

I run and run
Gaining speed,
With no intentions of slowing down.
I do not look back.
For I am afraid of what I'll see.
My time pushes the limit.
I'm running from my past,
And what I am to become.
I am running, away from my own self.
Hoping to break free.
Time ticks down all too quickly
And the last grain of sand
Falls from my hourglass.
I am dead.
And hell has begun.
