amanda grey.♥

"I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of the words as they tangle with human emotions." -James Michener

"Writing is the socially acceptable form of schitzophrenia." -E.L. Doctorow

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We Make A Great Team.

**written from a guys point of view. I don't really know, it kinda just came to me.

Quiet and shy
She lowers her head.
Hoping he'll choose
Someone else instead

There is no other
She cannot run
Her destiny shows
She is the one.

A blush in her cheeks
A fear in her eyes
Her innocence is
Too hard to despise.

Softspoken lips
Gently form a grin
I haven't seen her smile.
Since God knows when.

Cautious steps forward
Take one, then another.
As I take her hand.
And save the world with the other.

1 comment:

  1. That's very good. You have a lot of great stuff up here I haven't read yet.
