amanda grey.♥

"I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of the words as they tangle with human emotions." -James Michener

"Writing is the socially acceptable form of schitzophrenia." -E.L. Doctorow

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's on my Mind Right Now.

This past year, 2009, my family had a chance to move to Tennessee. My dad was offered a job down there, or over there I should say, and we were considering it. Though he didn't end up taking it and I was relieved at the time, now I wish we had. I look back and think, what was I so worried about losing? A boyfriend? The people I called my friends? Turns out, I lost the guy anyways, go figure. And, as sad as it may seem, I think I could actually leave this state and not worry about losing my friends. Don't get me wrong, I have some really really amazing friends and I don't know what I'd do without them, but I do believe I could make new ones. Of course, the ones I've made here are irreplaceable, but does that mean that I couldn't make new ones and still keep in touch with the old?

Which brings me to my point:
Change is inevitable.

It's going to happen, despite your attempts to stop it. You are going to lose friends. And that person you're dating, it isn't going to last forever. People say I am so negative with relationships because I face reality and say that I know that it isn't going to last my whole life. Honestly, I cannot see myself dating the person I am going to marry right now at thirteen years old. I don't even think I'll meet that person until after college. So why set myself up thinking that my 8th grade "relationship" is going to last a while? Already, I see people doing that, and I'm just like, "What, were you actually thinking you were going to marry him one day??" It's rediculous really. You're fourteen for crying out loud! I don't even think I know what real love is. Already, I see people changing, from the sweet, innocent people they were in sixth and seventh grade, into people who go off and party every weekend and get drunk and make out with random guys. Already starting in the eighth grade. And the more and more people I see like that, the more and more I realize that they don't have anything but low self esteem. They may look like they have it all, but really, they're miserable. And I realize how that's not someone I want to turn into. That's not anyone I want to hang around with either. It's scary to see someone who was one of your best friends in grade school start hanging out with the wrong crowd and how much they can change over a year. It's heartbreaking too, to know that they went on without you. Were they really your friend in the first place? I've lost some friends like that. And quite frankly, I don't miss them. I miss who I thought they were, I miss who they used to be, but I don't miss their company now. Anyways. I was just sort of writing down what I was thinking. Who knows, maybe it was something you needed to hear. Or maybe you didn't want to hear it. Either way, I know what I stand for. Get inspired. <3

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